Hello good people....
Menguasai idiom adalah hanya sebagai pelengkap kemampuan bahasa inggris Anda agar tidak kaku dan terlihat aneh pada saat menerjemahkan kalimat yang sebenarnya Anda tahu artinya, tapi kok tidak nyambung atau malah jadi aneh pemahaman Anda tentang kalimat itu.
Idiom adalah kelompok kata yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan arti dan susunan yang tetap. Idiom tidak dapat diterjemahkan secara kata perkata atau secara terpisah.
Misalnya, 'Look After' artinya menjaga atau merawat, kalau kita terjemahkan secara terpisah atau kata perkata, 'look' artinya melihat dan 'after' artinya sesudah. Contoh lainnya misalnya, 'give up' artinya menyerah, kalau di terjemahkan secara terpisah atau kata perkata maka 'give' artinya memberi dan 'up' artinya atas. Contoh 'look after dan give up' dalam kalimat:
1. A good mother alwas looks after her children
2. A Champion will never gives up to reach success
Kalau diterjemahkan secara kata perkata, maka kalimat pertama artinya 'seorang ibu yang bail selalu melihat setelah anak-anaknya' bukan merawat.
Dan kalimat kedua artinya 'seorang juara tidak akan pernah memberi keatas untuk meraih kesuksesan', bukan menyerah.
Walaupun ada beberapa idiom yang bisa diterjemahkan secara kata perkata, tapi tidak banyak. Misalnya, 'angry with' yang artinya 'marah dengan' dan 'anxious about' yang artinya 'cemas tentang'. Contoh dalam kalimat misalnya:
1. My father is angry with me because I am naugthy.
2. My aunt was anxious about her daughter when she was alone at home.
Mengapa idiom itu penting? karena jika kita tidak mengusai idiom, kita sering kali salah paham ketika berbicara atau pada saat kita menerjemahkan bacaan bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, untuk memahami dan menguasai idiom, kita harus mempelajari dan menggunakannya sesering mungkin dalam percakapan kita dikehidupan sehari-hari.
Berikut adalah contoh-contoh idiom yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari:
Would rather---------> lebih suka
1. I would rather die than live without you
2. She would rather drink milk than drink a cup of coffee
Work at something-----------> berusaha meraih sesuatu
1. You must work at improbing your business
2. He will work at attending his son's birthday party tomorrow
Who's who-----------> apa dan siapa
1. We have to know who's who behind our success, he is the only God.
2. Do you know who's who behind this tragedy of september 11th?
Be Welcome to-----------> boleh saja
1. Everyone is welcome to join our trip
2. Althouht he is still too young, but he is welcome to join the audition
What on earth?--------> ada apa gerangan?
1. What on earth is he in Jakarta?
2. What on earth are they here?
Walk into---------> mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan mudah
1. A beautiful girl could walks into a secretary in a big company
2. He is an honest man, that's why he could walk into a general manager in the company he works
Wait on somebody-----> menyajikan makanan
1. Those waiters are waiting on the guests politely
2. I am a good waiter, I wait on my customers carefully
Turn Down-----> Mengecilkan
1. Please, turn down the volume of the television
2. Don't talk loud, turn down your voice!
Turn over------>membalik
1. Please, turn over that sheet!
2. Please, turn over the paper!
Turn up-------> mengeraskan
1. I couldn't hear the news from that radio, could you please turn up!
2. There are many people talking, I want to you turn up the volume of the tv, I can't hear the actors.
Turn out------> terbukti
1. My prediction turned out to be right
2. But, his prediction turned out to be incorrect
The sooner the better-----> lebih cepat lebih baik
1. We must plan and do our dreams now, because the sooner the better.
2. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, the sooner the better.
To my mind------> menurut saya
1. The jeans doesn't fit you to my mind, if you wear that shirt.
2. To my mind, you have to come early to the meeting tomorrow.
Serve a sentence----> menjalani hukuman penjara
1. The prisoner has already served a sentence for 3 years.
2. Nobody wants to serve a sentence if he or she doesn't break the law/
Take place-----> berlangsung
1. I don't know where the tragedy takes place, maybe you know?
2. The conversation between Yana and Yanto takes place at theire own room, so I can't hear them.
Take over-------> mengawasi
1. The security is going to take over every side of the building.
2.Three policeman will take over those robbers
Take an interest in---------> mulai tertarik pada
1. I have begun to take an interest in learning English
2. The business man began to take an interest in our product
Take for granted-------> menganggap begitu saja
1. She took what I havesaid for granted, she did not care
2. The students take every lesson for granted
Set one's foot on something----> menginjakan
1. This is the first time I set my foot on this land
2. Neil Amstrong is a man who set his foot on the moon
Set free-----> membebaskan
1. The trial set the corruptor free from the punishment.
2. The little boy has set my bird free from the cage.
nah, itu dia contoh dari idiom yang harus kita ketahui. Simak terus pembelajaran dari InggrisMe yah....
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