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Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Membuat Question Tag

Hello good people....
Question tag adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang tidak menggunakan kata tanya yang biasa kita gunakan, seperti what, where, who dan sebagainya. Justru, question tag dibentuk bukan dari kalimat pertanyaan tersebut, melainkan dari kalimat positif atau negatif.

Lebih tepatnya question tag adalah pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata 'kan'. Misalnya, kamu sudah makan kan? atau kamu belum makan, kan? jika kita terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris menjadi seperti ini: 'You have eaten, haven't you?' dan 'You haven't eaten, have you?'

Untuk bisa membuat question tag dengan baik, kita pun harus memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang garis waktu (timeline) dan modal auxiliaries. Karena dalam membuat question tag, kita sangat bergantung pada helping verb (kata kerja bantu) dari setiap garis waktu pada sebuah kalimat.

Prinsip dalam membuat question tag adalah jika kalimat positif, maka question tagnya negatif, dan jika kalimatnya negatif, maka question tagnya positif. Coba kalian lihat dan simak contohnya dibawah ini yah:

Present Continous Tense
I am not going with you, am I?
They are standing under that tree, aren't they?
She is sending the letter, isn't she?
Jenny isn't asking her mother for some money, is she?

Future Tense
He will wear his new jeans for the party, won't he?
You will wait for me here, won't you?
They will not leave me there, will they?
We will do everything he wants, won't we?

Past Tense
Monica visited her grandmother yesterday, didn't she?
You didn't attend the meeting yesterday morning, did you?
He called me when I was not at home, didn't he?
I did not steal his money in his room, did I?

Present Perfect Tense
Tom has already done all of his homework since this morning, hasn't he?
You have eaten before having your test, haven't you?
They have not get their salary, have they?
I have told you many times, haven't I?

Simple Present Tense
You always come on time, don't you?
She never cares about you, does she?
Doni often asks you about her, doesn't he?
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

Ini dia cara membuat Question Tag, kunjungi website kami di INGGRISME, atau bisa langsung download e-booknya di sini

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